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Home Treatment for Influenza (Seasonal Flu)

English: Main symptoms of influenza. (See Wikipedia:#Influenza#Symptoms_and_diagnosis). Model: Mikael Häggström. To discuss image, please see Template talk:Häggström diagrams References Centers for Disease Control and Prevention > Influenza Symptoms Page last updated November 16, 2007. Retrieved April 28, 2009 (Diarrhea is not mentioned, since it is mainly a symptom in children) (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Various websites propose different remedies for influenza. Webmed suggests suggests that influenza patient should get extra rest, drink plenty of fluids, take hot tea with lemon, water, fruit juice, and if fever is uncomfortable, sponge your body with lukewarm water to reduce fever. Take acetaminophen or ibuprofen to lower fever avoid aspirin to anyone younger than 20. Breathe moist air from a hot shower to avoid stuffy nose. Do not use antihistamines to make nasal drainage thicker. Other remedies include Drink a cup of warm water, to which a few drops of honey or l...

10 alternatives for bread with gluten

Bread (Photo credit: ulterior epicure ) Increasingly, nutritionists are telling us that bread may have adverse effects on health. But what are the alternatives of bread? Occasionally some bread is not a problem for most, but 5 times a gran time per day could. In other parts of the world is also eaten bread, but not 5 times a day, this is limited to once per day. If you want to reduce or stop eating bread, then stand at the beginning up to two wheat moments to a week, but it is better to not eating. I'll tell you below what I regularly do for myself. I will give a general description, because you any idea in itself is a separate article can make. Vegetable omelette If you want a breakfast based on eggs, you can choose to cut vegetables, supplemented with eg immune boosting shiitake. You can do anything with, and vary widely by a salmon, bacon, goat cheese, onions and pine nuts to add. You can also combine all. I myself have sometimes some rice. I cook some rice twice a we...

Hazards of Eating Pig Flesh

El cerdo y el carnicero / The pig and the butcher (Photo credit: equality ) Porc ibérique (cerdo ibérico) dans la sierra nord de Séville (Espagne). Español: Cerdos ibéricos en la provincia de Sevilla (España), raza autóctona de la que se obtiene el Jamón Ibérico. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Sus barbatus (Bearded Pigs) (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Roast guinea pig (or "cuy"). Actually tasted pretty good! There is little flesh on the body, you just rip off the legs and chew off the meat. I thought it tasted a bit like chicken, but more gamey. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Write text here...

Wat is de oorzaak slijm in de stoelgang?

Slijm in de ontlasting Slijm en slijmerige stoelgang kan worden veroorzaakt door chronische pancreatitis. Soms kan ook het gevolg zijn van onverwerkte vetten in uw ontlasting. Andere mogelijke oorzaak zou kunnen zijn als gevolg van coeliakie. Eigenlijk, slijm kan een symptoom zijn van anomalieën in onze buik muren. Zijn aanwezigheid moet tijdelijk zijn en waarschijnlijk te zetten in reguliere na enkele dagen. Slijm slijm wordt geproduceerd door klieren die lijn de dunne en dikke darm en is een doorschijnend, gelei achtige substantie die uit komen in de ontlasting. Slijm slijm en soepele beweging wordt aangegeven door de aanwezigheid van slijm over je hele ontlasting. Gezonde mensen kunnen ook bepaalde hoeveelheid slijm in de normale ontlasting. Meestal slijm niet wordt vermengd met ontlasting. In de volgende voorwaarden slijm kan worden weergegeven in de normale semi-zachte ontlasting: Oorzaken van slijm / Slijm stoelgang Interne aambeien Darmparasieten Constipatie Coeliakie C...

FODMAPs als behandeling van buikpijn, Gas, Diarree

Symptomen van gastro-intestinale aandoening buikpijn, opgeblazen gevoel, winderigheid, reflux, diarree en / of obstipatie. FODMAPs zijn een verzameling van kleine keten koolhydraten die slecht opneembaar zijn in het lichaam. Vergisting van FODMAPs in de distale kleine en proximale dikke darm stimuleert dergelijke voorwaarden in de darm die leiden tot het vrijgeven van gas-, darm stimuleren permeabiliteit, een neiging factor voor de groei van de ziekte van Crohn. FODMAPs zijn een groep van slecht geabsorbeerd korte keten koolhydraten in de voeding vanwege hun osmotische gevolgen (diffusie van moleculen door een semi-permeabel membraan totdat beide zijden evenwichtig), toename van fecale output na colectomie pouch en ileale vorming of ileorectale anastomose (IRA). Vermijd de volgende FODMAPs voor een periode van ten minste 8 weken. Na 8 weken zal uw diëtist geven advies of om te beginnen met een van de FODMAP groepen. Wat Foods moet worden beperkt? Hoog FRUCTOSEGEHAL...

Eye-Opener: Why Do Pupils Dilate in Response to Emotional States

English: A human eye after the pupil was dilated using drops during an eye exam. Self-portrait by Ben Schumin. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The dilation and constriction of the pupils reveals how hard we're thinking. It has been said that the eyes are windows to the soul. Research has at least shown that the apertures of our eyes offer a glimpse into the mind. Furthermore, the pupil will dilate if a person sees an object of interest. Dilated eyes may be a sign of a head injury or another serious health condition. This condition is called mydriasis. How Long Do Pupils Stay Dilated After an Eye Exam? Dilated eyes may be a sign of a head injury or another serious health condition. Eye dilation is part of a comprehensive eye exam. Is it necessary to have my eyes dilated during every eye exam? Related articles Eye-Opener: Why Do Pupils Dilate in Response to Emotional States? Pupil Dilation Co-Varies with Memory Strength of Individual Traces in a Delayed Response Paired-Associate...

Bowel Transit Time Test and Results

Giardia LifeCycle(French version) (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) According to the WebMD a bowel transit time test measures how long it takes for food to travel through the digestive tract. People generally don't consult a doctor immediately for changed bowel movements. The fruits and vegetables in the diet decrease bowel transit time, increase fecal weight, number of defecations, fecal excretions and apparent digestibilities of energy, nitrogen, and fat. The low fiber diet increases higher diastolic blood pressure of 80 or even more. On the contrary, the high fiber diet lowers the diastolic blood pressures. Funny Keep Bathroom Clean Sign (Photo credits: ) Constipation is caused by a lifestyle factor rather than an underlying health problem when the body's normal rhythm is disrupted and the movement of stool through the colon slows down. More water is absorbed from the stool than would normally occur, and as a result, stools become drier and hard...