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Showing posts with the label Blood flow

Cold Feet Causes and Remedies for Elderly Peoples

Goalfinder Blood-circulatory-system (Photo credit: gfinder ) Constant cold feet may be symptoms of anemia, a circulatory disorder or a hormonal problem. If the cause of cold feet is poor circulation, a prescribed course of treatment might include water applications, foot exercises, aerobic exercise, massage and diet to improve blood flow and warm up the extremities. During cold weather, the body maintains its temperature by shutting off the blood flow to the hands and feet to ensure blood supply to heart and brain to help them to function properly. This causes cold to distant organs like hands and feet. People complain cold feet, even when in a warm places, can also happen due to poor nutrition or nicotine abuse. If there is no underlying organic disorder, the problem may be alleviated by eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals and exercising regularly. But once you start naturopathic applications like mentioned along with foot baths, foot exercises and massages,...