Lizards are insectivorous reptiles that are found in many habitats. House lizards are more noticed because of their cosmopolitan presence in houses, offices and educational institutes. Following are the Top 10 ways to get rid of lizards. You can add a lot of improvement to your living or working place after the implementation of any of these methods. 10. Ultrasonic devices These devices emit sound waves that are not detected by human ear drum. These sound waves are very teasing and force the reptiles and other rodents to migrate from a certain area. These devices have a certain range and these are electrically powered. 9. UV Traps for Insects Lizards are insectivorous as they engulf the whole insect. The food source can be killed in order to get rid of lizards.aqq 8. Synthetic Pesticides Synthetic insecticides are available in market that can be sprayed in the corners of your house. When the lizard will make a contact, the poison will ultimately get absorbed in skin and after ...