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Showing posts from March, 2012

Cold Feet Causes and Remedies for Elderly Peoples

Goalfinder Blood-circulatory-system (Photo credit: gfinder ) Constant cold feet may be symptoms of anemia, a circulatory disorder or a hormonal problem. If the cause of cold feet is poor circulation, a prescribed course of treatment might include water applications, foot exercises, aerobic exercise, massage and diet to improve blood flow and warm up the extremities. During cold weather, the body maintains its temperature by shutting off the blood flow to the hands and feet to ensure blood supply to heart and brain to help them to function properly. This causes cold to distant organs like hands and feet. People complain cold feet, even when in a warm places, can also happen due to poor nutrition or nicotine abuse. If there is no underlying organic disorder, the problem may be alleviated by eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals and exercising regularly. But once you start naturopathic applications like mentioned along with foot baths, foot exercises and massages,...

Daily Intake of Patassium per day for High Blood Pressure

Avocado Sandwich (Photo credit: J. Chris Vaughan ) In general, aim to consume about 3,500 milligrams of potassium a day. Your best bet is simply to eat more potassium-rich foods, especially fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products. If you're following the DASH diet, eating these foods shouldn't be much of a problem. Have a cup of orange juice with breakfast, half an avocado in a salad at lunch, and half a cup of cooked spinach or a baked potato with dinner. For snacks, try a banana, 8 ounces of low-fat yogurt, or five dried prunes. Cantaloupe Bowl (Photo credit: Washthebowl ) Below you will find foods that contain plentiful amounts of potassium (starting with those that contain the greatest amounts of the mineral). Don't just home in on the best sources of the mineral; eating a wide range of foods provides healthy benefits, like phytochemicals and fiber. Apricots, dried: 1 cup, 1,567 mg Avocado: 1 medium, 1,097 mg Potato (baked with skin): 1 medium, 84...

Baked Potatoes to control High Blood Pressure

a baked potato with butter (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) A medical student checking blood pressure using a sphygmomanometer and stethoscope. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The potato’s stereotype as a fattening food for health-conscious folks to avoid is getting another revision today as scientists report that just a couple servings of spuds a day reduces blood pressure almost as much as oatmeal without causing weight gain. Scientists reported on the research, done on a group of overweight people with high blood pressure. “The potato, more than perhaps any other vegetable, has an undeserved bad reputation that has led many health-conscious people to ban them from their diet,” said Joe Vinson, Ph.D., who headed the research. “Mention ‘potato’ and people think ‘fattening, high-carbs, empty calories’. In reality, when prepared without frying and served without butter, margarine or sour cream, one potato has only 110 calories and dozens of healthful phytochemicals and vitamins. We hope ou...

Raisins and soy for high blood pressure

Raisins. Français : Raisins secs. Русский: Изюм. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) taking blood pressure in PE (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Raisins: Eating raisins and soy appears to help reduce high blood pressure, thus warding off heart disease. Munching on a handful of raisins three times a day helped people with slightly elevated blood pressure lower their numbers after several weeks, said one of the studies presented at the American College of Cardiology conference. Blood pressure ranged from 120 over 80 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) to 139 millimeters of mercury over 89 mm Hg, or just higher than normal. The raisin-eating group saw significant drops in blood pressure, in some cases lowering the top number, or systolic pressure, by 10.2, or seven percent over the 12-week study. Researchers think that high level of potassium in the shriveled, dried grapes. "Raisins are packed with potassium, which is known to lower blood pressure," said lead investigator Harold B...

Krajicek against world number 1 Azarenka

  Tennis Michaëlla meets Krajicek in the second round of the highly acclaimed tennis tournament in Miami no less than Viktoria Azarenka, the current leader of the world.The Dutch won the wednesday of the Czech qualifier Eva Birnerova, in three sets. She started slowly and lost mainly due to a bad first service the first set 5-7, but they then presented convincing things in order: 6-4 6-0. The White Russian Azarenka did because of her status in the first round not to play.

Daily aspirin for cancer

Ball-and-stick model of the aspirin molecule, as found in the solid state. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction data from Kim, Y.; Machida, K.; Taga, T.; Osaki, K. (). "Structure Redetermination and Packing Analysis of Aspirin Crystal". Chem. Pharm. Bull. 33 (7) : 2641-2647. ISSN 1347-5223. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) BRUSSELS - There is additional evidence that aspirin can prevent cancer, and can help treat. A regular small dose of aspirin is today prescribed to heart problems. Soon cancer? Previous research has found evidence that prolonged aspirin intake, about ten years every day reduces the risk of cancer. New studies reinforce that suspicion now. And the beneficial effect appears to act quickly: after three to five years. Moreover, aspirin appears to the emergence of metastases of cancers already present to slow down. This is contained in a series of three articles published yesterday in the medical journal The Lancet . The three studies are meta-analyzes "in which...

RIVM: number of elderly with heart failure is rising sharply until 2025

The number of people with heart failure will increase significantly in the coming years. Currently, approximately 130,000 people suffer from heart failure, in 2025 this number had risen to an estimated 195,000. This is evident from the report "Heart failure: epidemiology, risk factors and future" of the RIVM. Heart failure is a condition that the end of life of many people overshadows. Heart failure occurs when the pumping function of the heart fails and leads mainly to shortness of breath and fluid in the lungs and legs. This can lead people rather tired, less physical effort to cope, poor sleep by breathlessness and often also mental problems. All in all heart failure in people with fines on their quality of life. The literature review of the RIVM, supplemented with simulated future studies, shows that most people with heart failure experience symptoms such as those over seventy years. It is expected that the number of people with heart failure in the coming years will ...

Ibuprofen helps with altitude sickness

  BAARN - Headache, tired or dizzy at great heights? Ibuprofen seems to help with altitude sickness or mountain sickness. That, researchers from Stanford University School of Medicine. People with altitude sickness often feel hangover. Common symptoms include headache, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and poor appetite. Researcher Grant Lipman now claims that ibuprofen help against these symptoms. Ibuprofen is a widely used anti-inflammatory and painkiller . Serious Lipman studied in 86 men and women in a double blind placebo study, the effect of ibuprofen on altitude sickness. "This disease is not only annoying because it can ruin the holidays, untreated it can also lead to cerebral edema or swelling of the brains, "explains the researcher. "In many cases than even someone dies from altitude sickness." Research The study involved a hike in the White Mountains. The participants spent the first night at 1250 meters and swallow 400 milligrams of ibuprofe...

Ibuprofen helpt bij hoogteziekte

200mg Ibuprofen (Photo credit: Rev Dan Catt ) BAARN - Hoofdpijn, vermoeid of duizelig op grote hoogtes? Ibuprofen lijkt te helpen bij hoogteziekte of bergziekte. Dat stellen onderzoekers van de Stanford University School of Medicine. Mensen met hoogteziekte voelen zich vaak katerig. Veel voorkomende klachten zijn hoofdpijn, vermoeidheid, duizelig, misselijk, overgeven en slechte eetlust. Onderzoeker Grant Lipman stelt nu dat ibuprofen help tegen deze klachten. Ibuprofen is een veelgebruikte ontstekingsremmer en pijnstiller. Ernstig Lipman bestudeerde bij 86 mannen en vrouwen, in een dubbelblind placebo-onderzoek, het effect van ibuprofen op hoogteziekte. "Deze aandoening is niet alleen vervelend omdat het de vakantie kan verpesten, onbehandeld kan het ook leiden tot een hersenoedeem of zwelling van de hersenen", legt de onderzoeker uit. "In veel gevallen overlijdt iemand dan zelfs aan hoogteziekte." Onderzoek Het onderzoek betrof een wandeltocht in de Wh...

Gepaste zorg met hart en ziel

Ook kinderen komen in groten getale met hun ouders mee naar ziekenhuizen op de Open dag van de zorg. Dit onderstreept de openbare functie van een ziekenhuis, en hoe goed ouders het belang zien hun kinderen hiermee vertrouwd te maken. Werkbezoeken aan ziekenhuizen brengen was altijd al een van de leukere onderdelen van mijn werk, maar wat ik heb gezien tijdens de Open dag van de zorg 2012 heeft écht mijn hart verwarmd. Ik was uitgenodigd om te komen kijken in het Ruwaard van Putten Ziekenhuis in Spijkenisse. En de vriendelijkheid van alle medewerkers die ik daar sprak en zag, was dermate overweldigend dat ik niet kon nalaten aan de bestuurder te vragen of ze hiertoe extra waren geïnstrueerd. Niets daarvan, het enthousiasme dat deze mensen uitstraalden, was puur en eerlijk en was op geen enkele manier voorbereid of van bovenaf opgelegd. Deze medewerkers waren spontaan en open en traden de bezoekers van de open dag met grote inzet tegemoet. Ze vertelden over de zorg, legden uit wat hun...

Doorbraak: medisch voedingsmiddel tegen dementie

Uit onderzoek “Souvenir 1 en 2” van professor Philip Scheltens van het Alzheimer Centrum VU, blijkt dat specifieke nutriënten bij licht dementerende patiënten zorgen voor een duidelijke verbetering van het geheugen. Wellicht een doorbraak in het onderzoek naar behandeling van dementie. Tijdens de ‘Nationale Hersenlezing’ van de Hersenstichting Nederland sprak professor Scheltens over dit onderzoeksresultaat. Verder betoogde hij dat de exponentiële stijging van het aantal dementerenden noopt tot een Deltaplan tegen deze ziekte: “Uit het World Alzheimer rapport 2010 blijkt dat de kosten voor dementie in Nederland 7,5 miljard euro bedragen, gelijk aan de totale rijksuitgaven voor Defensie en Verkeer en Waterstaat samen. Scheltens pleit voor extra investeringen in onderzoek naar bestrijding van dementie. “Bij aids is de mortaliteit met 85 procent gedaald door extra geld voor onderzoek. Voor dementie geldt dat het vijf voor twaalf is.” Related articles Computer model of spread o...

Wat kunt u doen om de verschijnselen van een verkoudheid te verminderen?

Influenza subtypes-es (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Diagram of influenza nomenclature (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) 3D model of Influenza A H1N1 virus (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Model of Influenza Virus from U.S. National Institutes for Health (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Modified version of File:CDC-11214-swine-flu.jpg for landscape aspect. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Griepvaccinatie Griep en verkoudheid zijn meestal onschuldige aandoeningen die vanzelf weer overgaan. Voor een aantal groepen mensen, de zogenaamde risicogroepen, is griep echter wel een reden om contact op te nemen met de huisartspraktijk. Zij moeten tegen het griepvirus worden gevaccineerd. Huisartsen voeren meestal een actief beleid om mensen uit deze groepen op te sporen en te benaderen. U behoort tot een risicogroep, als: > onder behandeling bent (geweest) bij uw huisarts of een specialist in verband met een longaandoening > onder behandeling bent (geweest) in verband met een ...

Baby Gender Prediction by pictureperfect

She has found a secret for baby gender prediction. She uses neck hairline of the previous child to predict gender of the next baby. If this is your second child, look at the back of the neck of your first born. Does the hairline across the back of the neck go straight across, or come to a point? If the hairline goes straight across, your baby will be the same gender that your first born is. So, if your first born is a boy, you'll be having another boy. If the hairline goes to a point, your baby will be the opposite gender of what your firstborn is. So, if your first born is a boy, you'll be having a girl! Here is the proof of her first 4 kids: Ashley   Zander   Jace   Lucy   Source to read further in detail: Related articles Is it a boy or a girl? Only the cupcakes know! (the best baby gender reveal EVER!!) ( It's Written in...