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Treatment of flu with saline solution

Theerr is no cure for cold or the flu, at least now, treatments presently available can relieve or shorten the duration of symptoms. You can undergo treatment with various medications. Apart from medical treatments you can take the natural approach. By adopting a simple three steps approach can provide a lot of relief to make the severe flu a minor illness. First step to relieve flu: Cover your forehead and ears completely with woolen cap. Wear some warm dress and warm socks. Second step to relieve flu: Gargle every two hours with lukewarm 9% saline water.And third step to relieve flu: Take 9% saline solution and spray every one or two hours deep into your nostrils. Although there is a detailed article has been published recently by WebMD to tackle the flu symptoms. In a recent search for home remedies and natural treatments WebMD approached Charles B. Inlander, president of The People's Medical Society, to get some effective home remedies that may relieve your symptoms

Best natural moisturizer for healthy skin

Dry Skin requires care as any other part of our body, use natural face masks to get glowing and healthy facial skin. Lack of oil and moisture in the skin and in result skin becomes dry, Wrinkles appear, parched, age affects and flakes. To get rid of dry skin, here are the best natural moisturizer for dry skin. These homemade moisturizer are best for dry skin. 1. OLIVE OIL Apply olive oil with gauze every night after washing the face. 2. MASHED CARROTS For dry chapped skin, apply skin cold mashed carrot. 3. HONEY, MILK AND SUGAR CANE EXTRACT 1. Extra virgin honey – 2 tbsp 2. Sugar cane extract – 2 tbsp 3. Milk – 2 tbsp Mix honey, milk and sugar cane extract and apply on dry skin for 15 minutes. This mask can be applied even on 6 month old babies for dry skin. 4. POTATO AND OLIVE OIL 1. Grated potato – 1 tbsp 2. Olive oil – 1 tsp 3. Plain yogurt – 1/2 tsp Mix grated potato, olive oil and plain yogurt. Apply to clean skin, leave on for 15 minutes, then

Important tips for better sleep

In order to keep yourself and your mind healthy you need to get proper sleep. For proper sleep you need to go through these amazing tips and tricks that will undoubtedly help you get a good night sleep. Following tips and tricks are especially helpful for the people who have trouble sleeping: 1. Be Punctual, Stick to the same bedtime and wake up time, even on the weekends. 2. Comfortable Bed and sleeping position, Sleep on a comfortable mattress and pillows. 3. Eat Healthy and Better 4. Take regular morning walk 5. Avoid Day Time Naps, especially in the afternoon 6. Hot Water Bath 7. Dark bedroom, Avoid bright light in the evening and expose yourself to sunlight in the morning. 8. Avoid consuming Nicotine and alcohol and heavy meals in the evening 9. Keeps your Pets Away 10. Get rid of any Pain 11. Get perfect amount of sleep 12. Spend your last hour before bed doing a calming activity such as reading. 13. If you can't sleep, go into another room and do something relaxi

Treat common flu with saline water

There is no cure for cold or the flu, at least now, treatments presently available can relieve or shorten the duration of symptoms. You can undergo treatment with various medications. Apart from medical treatments you can take the natural approach. By adopting a simple three steps approach can provide a lot of relief to make the severe flu a minor illness. First step to relieve flu: Cover your forehead and ears completely with woolen cap. Wear some warm dress and warm socks. Second step to relieve flu: Gargle every two hours with lukewarm 9% saline water.And third step to relieve flu: Take 9% saline solution and spray every one or two hours deep into your nostrils. Although there is a detailed article has been published recently by WebMD to tackle the flu symptoms. In a recent search for home remedies and natural treatments WebMD approached Charles B. Inlander, president of The People's Medical Society, to get some effective home remedies that may relieve your symptoms so you fe

House Lizards Removal Guide

Lizards are insectivorous reptiles that are found in many habitats. House lizards are more noticed because of their cosmopolitan presence in houses, offices and educational institutes. Following are the Top 10 ways to get rid of lizards. You can add a lot of improvement to your living or working place after the implementation of any of these methods. 10. Ultrasonic devices These devices emit sound waves that are not detected by human ear drum. These sound waves are very teasing and force the reptiles and other rodents to migrate from a certain area. These devices have a certain range and these are electrically powered. 9. UV Traps for Insects Lizards are insectivorous as they engulf the whole insect. The food source can be killed in order to get rid of lizards.aqq 8. Synthetic Pesticides Synthetic insecticides are available in market that can be sprayed in the corners of your house. When the lizard will make a contact, the poison will ultimately get absorbed in skin and after

RIVM-techniek gebruikt bij onderzoek naar populatie-immuniteit influenza A (H7N9)

De afweer tegen het virus influenza A (H7N9) bij inwoners van stedelijk en landelijk gebied in Vietnam is laag. Dat blijkt uit de allereerste populatiestudie waarin gekeken wordt naar menselijke afweer tegen dit virus. De resultaten zijn belangrijk voor de aanpak van een uitbraak met influenza A (H7N9). In de studie is een nieuwe onderzoeksmethode gebruikt waarbij in korte tijd veel bloedmonsters getest kunnen worden op antilichamen tegen meerdere menselijke en dierlijke influenzavirussen. De onderzoeksgegevens geven een indicatie, aangezien de onderzoeksmethode nog niet klinisch gevalideerd is voor influenza A (H7N9). De nieuwe methode is ontwikkeld door onderzoekers van het RIVM.

Gastro-enteritis - Behandeling

    Ondersteunende behandeling is alles wat nodig is voor de meeste patiënten. Rust met gemakkelijke toegang tot een toilet of een bedpan is wenselijk. Voor het voorkomen van uitdroging of het behandelen van milde uitdroging kan gebruikt worden gemaakt van orale glucose-elektrolietenoplossingen of bouillon. Zelfs bij braken dient de patiënt slokjes vloeistoffen tot zich te nemen: braken neemt af met het vervangen van het volume vloeistof. Voor patiënten met E. coli O157: H7 infectie kan rehydratie met isotone IV vloeistoffen de ernst van een nierbeschadiging verzachten, mocht zich het haemolytische-uremic syndrome (HUS) ontwikkelen. Kinderen kunnen sneller dehydrateren en zullen een passende oplossing moeten krijgen voor rehydratatie. Koolzuurhoudende dranken en sport dranken beschikken niet over de juiste verhouding van glucose en natrium, dus zijn ze niet geschikt voor kinderen jonger dan 5 jaar. Als het kind borstvoeding krijgt kan dat voortgezet worden. Wanneer het braken langduri