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Common Infant Skin Problems Home Remedies

Close up image of Cradle cap (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Shiny and colored objects usually attract Infant's vision. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) English: Pattern of atopic eczema varies with age (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) English: Atopy of the flexure crease of the elbow. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) Cradle cap (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) If you are a new parent and are really worried for yourbaby’s skin you need to make sure that you are well educated about the kids’ skin care issues that you might face in the coming months and years. It is perfectly normal if your child is going through any of these common kids’ skin care problems but the most important thing is to know the reasons and cures so that you can protect the world’s most delicate skin that is your baby’s. Diaper Rash: A diaper rash is a skin problem that develops in the area beneath an infant's diaper. Prickly Heat: Acne: Acne is a skin condition that causes pimples or "zits." This inc...

Pays-Bas : alerte à la salmonellose

Des centaines de consommateurs aux Pays-Bas et aux États-Unis ont été atteints de salmonellose. Tous en commun d'avoir consommé du saumon fumé produit dans une entreprise aux Pays-Bas, selon les autorités de santé néerlandaises. Dans ce pays, "environ 200 personnes sont tombées malades pour avoir consommé du saumon contaminé" alors qu'aux États-Unis, ce sont 100 personnes", a déclaré l'Institut national de santé publique (RIVM). Le saumon fumé, élaboré par l'usine de transformation Foppen, a été retiré des rayons et des stockages réfrigérés mais selon le RIVM "le nombre de personnes infectées est vraisemblablement supérieur" car Foppen fournit du saumon fumé aux principales chaînes de supermarchés y compris le géant local, Albert Heijn.

Mannen informatievere spreekstijl vrouwen

Men talking (Photo credit: ThePatronSaint ) The Conversation (Photo credit: Clint Gardner ) IMG_2886 (Photo credit: David Boyle in DC ) 20060624_191812_01 (Photo credit: tomhe ) Conversation (Photo credit: Search Engine People Blog ) Man and woman talking mammoths (Photo credit: ) Vrouwen hebben een betrokken spreekstijl, ze gebruiken veel werkwoorden. Mannen daarentegen praten informatiever en gebruiken meer zelfstandige naamwoorden. Dat blijkt uit onderzoek van taalkundige Karen Keune van de Radboud Universiteit in Nederland. Ze ontdekte dat mannen vaker de woorden "eh", "je" en "d'r" gebruiken en vrouwen "oh", "ik" en "hij". Dat mannen en vrouwen op een andere manier communiceren, is algemeen bekend. Maar Keune ontdekte duidelijke verschillen in het taalgebruik en de woordenschat van mannen en vrouwen. "Vrouwen gebruiken meer verkleinwoordjes, mannen meer informatieve woor...

Acne Scars Removing Treatments

There are many creams and solutions on the market that claim to be able to reduce the appearance and or texture of acne scars. The problem is that the scarring from acne, is specific to acne in many ways, while most of these scar creams are basic scar creams or stretch mark creams trying to pose as an acne scar treatment.   There are many differences between acne scars and normal scars but for purpose of this discussion, we want to focus on what is needed for the treatment and removal of acne scars. Acne scars require that you treat both discoloration as well as uneven texture of pitting of the skin. In order to do that a scar cream must contain the ingredients needed to deliver a potent enough dose to effectively treat both aspects… Discoloration , and Texture . To make it easier for you, we have taken the time to break down a series of ingredients that have proven to effectively reduce acne scars. We have taken it one step further ...

problemen bij borstvoeding

Problemen bij borstvoeding – en wat je eraan kunt doen De meest natuurlijke zaak ter wereld is niet automatisch ook de meest eenvoudige. Bijna elke moeder kent de kleinere en grotere problemen die borstvoeding met zich mee brengt. Hier lees je hoe stuwing en soortgelijke problemen ontstaan en wat er je er tegen kunt doen. Te weinig melk Oorzaak: Kinderen die tijdens de borstvoeding niet genoeg melk binnenkrijgen, huilen vaak bij het aanleggen. De baby is onrustig, ontevreden en heeft vaak al snel weer opnieuw honger. Wanneer de baby meer wil drinken dan de moeder melk kan geven, maakt het kind waarschijnlijk net een groeispurt door. Wat je kunt doen Leg de baby vaak aan, indien mogelijk ook ’s nachts. Wissel hierbij de voedingshoudingen zodat zo veel mogelijk alle delen van de borst worden gestimuleerd. Nadat je een paar dagen intensief borstvoeding hebt gegeven, heeft de borst zich op de toegenomen behoefte ingesteld. Melkstuwing Oorzaak: Een gespannen gevoel in je...

Supplemented Tube Breastfeeding

Mothers all over the world often have problems in starting breastfeeding to new born babies. Breastfeeding requires a lot of patience for latching baby. There is a product called Lact-Aid. with a Medela Starter SNS. This is a disposable system ideal for short-term (24-hour) supplemental feedings at the breast and it is cheap. If you are going to be using an at breast supplementer for more than a couple of days, then you need a better system than this.

Cool Summers Without Airconditioners

If you are feeling hot in a summer day and does not have an air conditioner for instance, that’s doesn’t matter. Now you can keep yourself cool in a hot day even without an air conditioner by following just this simple process. STEPS 1.Wet your wrists and other pulse points with cold water. Use a piece of ice wrapped in a face cloth, to continue after the coolness wears off. Constantly cooling off the wrists will also cool off the body. Never use just ice; make sure it is wrapped in a towel or something similar. Studies show that this will reduce your core body temperature by as much as 3 °F (1.5 ºC). The relief is almost immediate, and will last for up to one hour! 2.Use perspiration to cool the body down. Water vapor produced by sweating (avoid sweating too much) actually takes heat away from your body if it is exposed to air and allowed to evaporate. The best thing to do is to put your sweaty self in the path of a cool breeze or fan. 3.Wear a short sleeved shirt and put water on ...