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Diarree - Wat is het?

Diarree is dunne, waterige ontlasting die vaker komt dan u gewend bent. Meestal gaat diarree na een of twee dagen vanzelf over, maar soms duurt het langer. Diarree kan samengaan met misselijkheid en overgeven, soms ook met koorts. Waardoor komt het? Diarree wordt meestal veroorzaakt door virussen of bacteriën. Deze komen het lichaam binnen door inslikken van besmet water of besmet voedsel. U kunt ook besmet raken door contact met iemand anders die diarree heeft. De virussen of bacteriën veroorzaken een ontsteking van de darmwand. De darmwand kan dan minder vocht opnemen. Daardoor wordt de ontlasting dun. Kan het kwaad? Het is vervelend om diarree te hebben, maar het kan meestal geen kwaad. Wel verliest u veel vocht als u diarree heeft, zeker als u ook nog moet overgeven of koorts heeft. Als iemand te veel vocht verliest, kan het lichaam uitdrogen. Dat kan gevaarlijk zijn. Daarom moet u altijd extra drinken als u diarree heeft.Vooral baby's en ...

Disaster of Meat Consumption

The Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL), commissioned by Minister Cramer of the Environment run a study of consumption of energy and food much more efficiently. The meat consumption imposes a significant drain on the global agricultural land. Some 80 percent of which is used for only 15 percent of the calories in our food production. Especially cattle are relatively inefficient food factories. A switch to a daily diet of 10 grams of beef, pork 10 grams, 47 grams and 23 grams of chicken eggs and fish would need to land in half. Also, this diet 20 to 30 percent of the GHG reductions necessary to bring the global warming be limited to 2 degrees. It is the first time that these estimates lead to a policy recommendation. That the (rich) man can not escape behavior changes to the earth to keep viable, says UN climate negotiator Yvo de Boer. "You must ask fundamental questions about our consumption." Related articles We should only eat meat on fe...

Another reason why men like curves

Lawson graduated from Oxford before finding fame in the kitchen Nigella Lawson's voluptuous curves have given her a legion of male admirers, but a new academic study suggests that her appeal, and that of other curvy women, is based on more than the purely physical. It is already known that curvaceous women live longer and that men find them more attractive but the new research suggests that they are also cleverer. The study, to be published this week, shows that men who admire women with hourglass figures do so because they are more intelligent and therefore produce more intelligent children than waif-like women or those of "apple-shaped" proportions. The case of Lawson appears to bear out the findings. Possessing perhaps Britain's most famous hourglass figure, the cookery presenter is also an Oxford graduate. Rachel Weisz, the naturally curvy Oscar-winning actress, completed an English degree at Cambridge before she headed for Hollywood. Th...

Hormones Replacement Therapy

Heart rate monitor and exercise Working out at a higher heart rate can adversely change the hormone environment in your body. Stay in Zone One to balance your hormones and also loose fat related with hormone imbalance. Wear your your heart rate monitor and get moving. Eat soy foods New research indicates that soy foods are high in phytoestrogens and useful in reducing removing the indications of perimenopause and menopause. Phytoestrogens found naturally in plants and imitate the impression of estrogen in the body without harmful side effects. According to new studies, adding one or two servings of inexpensive dairy-free soy in diet, and low in saturated fat. But soy, being a complete protein source, can assist to keep your hormones level stable and relieve the dominant indications of perimenopause and menopause. Soy helps in cutting down your danger heart disease, breast cancer, and osteoporosis. The Asian women who traditionally have a diet high in soy are less affec...

Flu Shot Protects Against Only 3 Flu Viruses

Image via Wikipedia Image via Wikipedia Image by AJC1 via Flickr Flu shots that are given each year during the flu season, carries vaccination for only three influenza viruses; 1) influenza A (H3N2) virus, 2) seasonal influenza A (H1N1) virus, and 3) influenza B virus. There is a chance that you have prevention against one of the illnesses. In the United States, federal health officials at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are in charge of selecting which viruses to include in seasonal flu vaccine, a process that is based on international "surveillance-based forecasts about what viruses are most likely to cause illness in the coming season." U.S. health officials works with World Health Organization (WHO) health officials to come up with projectons about which three type A or type B infuenza viruses should be included in seasonal influenza vaccine each year. In other words, it's an educated guess. As you might suspect, getting a "good ma...

Most Flu-Like Illness is NOT Influenza

During the "flu season," doctors and patients alike often attribute respiratory illness to "the flu" or influenza viruses when they most of the time flu-like symtpoms are actually associated with other types of viruses and bacteria. The only way to know for sure what type of virus or bacteria is causing flu-ike symptoms is to have it lab confirmed. The seasonal influenza vaccine only contains three strains of type A or type B influenza, which U.S. and WHO health officials select each year as the most likely influenza strains that will circulate around the world. There are many influenza strains and most cases of flu-like illness that occur in the U.S. during a typical flu season are not associated with type A or type B influenza strains. So, it is important to remember that, when you feel like you have the "flu," you can't automatically assume that your flu symptoms are caused by type A or type B influenza strains included in the season...

The Media Manipulates Flu Vaccine Facts

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends a yearly flu vaccine as "the first and most important step in protecting against flu viruses." This advice applies to everyone 6 months of age and older, and the CDC stresses that you "should get a flu vaccine as soon as [they] are available." With a promotion this strong, you might assume that getting a flu shot is a "sure thing" to protect you from all flu-like illness this year, but actually it's not. The Media Manipulates Flu Vaccine Facts