During the "flu season," doctors and patients alike often attribute respiratory illness to "the flu" or influenza viruses when they most of the time flu-like symtpoms are actually associated with other types of viruses and bacteria.
The only way to know for sure what type of virus or bacteria is causing flu-ike symptoms is to have it lab confirmed.
The seasonal influenza vaccine only contains three strains of type A or type B influenza, which U.S. and WHO health officials select each year as the most likely influenza strains that will circulate around the world.
There are many influenza strains and most cases of flu-like illness that occur in the U.S. during a typical flu season are not associated with type A or type B influenza strains.
So, it is important to remember that, when you feel like you have the "flu," you can't automatically assume that your flu symptoms are caused by type A or type B influenza strains included in the seasonal flu vaccine. Also, people who do get a flu shot every year cannot automatically assume they will not get sick with either type A or type B influenza or another respiratory iillness that looks and feels like influenza.
The Media Manipulates Flu Vaccine Facts
Mass Converter Mass, t = Mass, kg = Mass, g = Mass, mg = Mass, μg = Mass, lb = Mass, oz = Mass, US ton = With this converter, you can simultaneously convert several mass units to other mass units. Simple example: 1 kg = 1000 g Composite example: 1 kg and 10 g = 101000 mg Abbreviations for mass: t - tonne (metric ton); kg - kilogram; g - gram; mg - milligram; μg - microgram; lb, lbs - pound; oz - ounce.