Mucus is a thin fluid in bowel movement produced by the membranes. Mucus in bowel movement is a sign of serious problems and can be dangerous for human health such as crohns, inflammation or irritable bowel syndrome, also called slimy stool. Diagnosis is difficult it without the help of a doctor. A thorough examination is required to diagnose the causes of mucus in bowel movement. Color of the bowel movement is not important but the presence of mucus can be an indication to consult a health care provider. Reasons of Mucus in Bowel Movement Many ailments causes presences of mucus in bowel movement such as nausea, gas, bloating and vomiting. In the beginning, there would be a pain below ribs or change in bowel movement habit. Cramps would be present in lower part of abdomen and sore in upper part. Remedies Before taking any decision to treatment, always consult a health care provided. The presence of mucus in bowel movement might be the result of a change in diet, or lifestyle which ha...