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Treatment of Acidosis

The treatment of metabolic acidosis is determined primarily on the cause. For example, treatment may be required to manage diabetes with the help of insulin or to get rid of toxic matter from the blood in case of poisoning. The respiratory acidosis requires a treatment by improving the function of the lungs. Drugs are used to open the airways (bronchodilators, such as albuterol). This will help people who are suffering from lung diseases such as asthma and emphysema. Some people would need mechanical ventilation to aid breathing if they have impaired breathing or lung function. Acidosis can be treated directly as well. In case of mild acidosis, the administration of intravenous fluids may be advised. In a very severe, however rare, bicarbonate may be given intravenously. Nevertheless bicarbonate provides only temporary relief and may cause harm by overloading the body with sodium and water.

Wheat Gluten Celiac Disease Symptoms

Can Adults build up Food Allergies? It is also possible that you’ve not paid any attention to your gluten intolerance symptoms. The illness is infamously under-diagnosed because diagnosis takes some study and consideration.  What is Celiac Disease? Although Celiac Disease occurs as immune system response to protein in wheat, but Celiac Disease is not particularly a wheat allergy. A wheat allergy, like other known allergies, is the reaction of white blood cells (basophils) and mast cells (Immunoglobulin E or IgE for short). If your physician decides that your gluten intolerance symptoms are a result of gluten consumption, you may be having celiac disease. Celiac Disease is an immune system response of small intestine. Clinical tests, blood and/or an intestinal biopsy, can diagnose the presence of a Celiac Disease. It is possible that you have gluten intolerance despite negative test results. Gastro-intestinal problems are major symptoms of gluten intolerance including diarrhea, flatulen

Wheat Intolerance Treatment

Wheat Allergy usually exists in babies. Wheat Allergy can best be treated with a Wheat-free diet. Symptoms quickly resolve without any drugs or therapies needed. But if it is really Gluten sensitivity, more likely in case of adults and children, it would be better to treat this ailment with a Gluten-free diet. Recovery is often quick often within 2 or 3 weeks. If you are suffering from a collection of vague stomach problems, there may be one of four possibilities: Gluten Intolerance, Fructose Intolerance, Dairy or Yeast Intolerance. It is possible you may have more than one food intolerance. You have to maintain a journal to track the foods you eat and symptoms every day. On journal “The Detection Diet” is available only at “The Tuesday Club”. Remember - Doing nothing can be a risk! Undiagnosed food intolerance can cause serious long-term health problems like osteoporosis, anemia and many others.

Gastroenteritis Treatment - Prevention Techniques

The antibiotics are not so successful against viral illnesses like viral gastroenteritis. The treatment is to ease the indications andavoiding any virus or bacteria. Human body requires adequate amount of fluids to live. Dehydration is caused by too much draining of liquids through diarrhea, vomiting, excessive urination, or excessive sweating or lack of consuming enough fluids due to nausea, trouble in swallowing, or lack of appetite caused by illness. Electrolytes (Salts and Minerals) are also drained from body with the liquids.

One Tablet Zinc supplementation

One pill can save a child in Africa suffering from diarrhea. The hand of death takes 1.6 million children under the age of 5 world-wide from the ravages of the bowel condition according to the World Health Organization. In Africa and Asia millions die each year from the affects of diarrhea. That seems a high figure to those in those in the West. More children die from the disease than from malaria or AIDS. That could end if children are given a single Zinc pill. It appears the medication stops diarrhea in its tracks. That appears to be the findings in many studies, including one done in New Delhi, India. With charity support some villages are seeing a turn around because of the pills. Bill and Melinda Gate's charity work along with the Idol Gives Back program are just two that are helping supply village medical clinics with zinc pills. Zinc supplementation can be ineffective in the treatment of diarrhea. A randomised controlled trial published in the open access journal BMC Med

Peptic Disorder Treatment

Treatment of Peptic Disorder involves a combination of medications to kill the H. pylori bacteria (if present), reduce acid levels, and protect the GI tract. This strategy allows your ulcer to heal and reduces the chance it will come back. Take all of your medications exactly as prescribed. Medications may include one or more of the following: Acid blockers (such as cimetidine, ranitidine, or famotidine) Antibiotics to kill H. pylori Bismuth to help protect the lining and kill the bacteria Medications that protect the tissue lining (such as sucralfate) Proton pump inhibitors such as omeprazole (Prilosec), lansoprazole (Prevacid), or esomeprazole (Nexium) If you have an ulcer without an H. pylori infection, your doctor will likely prescribe a proton pump inhibitor for 8 weeks. You may also be prescribed this type of medicine if you must continue taking aspirin or NSAIDs for other health conditions. If a peptic ulcer bleeds a lot, an EGD may be needed to stop the bleeding. Surgery may b

Hematochezia Red, Maroon-colored Bowel Movements

Blood as seen in the stool can originate anywhere along the intestinal tract. Black stool usually means that the blood is coming from the upper part of the GI tract. The following may be the causes: bleeding ulcer gastritis esophageal varices a tear in the esophagus from violent vomiting Maroon-colored bowel movements or bright red blood usually suggest that the blood is coming from large bowel or rectum. all the causes of black color stool diverticular bleeding vascular malformation intestinal infection (such as bacterial enterocolitis) inflammatory bowel disease tumor colon polyps or colon cancer Some upper GI causes may result to vomiting blood such as in peptic ulcer disease. Red blood in the stool might be due to hemorrhoids. Amebiasis, anal fissures, or colorectal cancer. Colonic polyps or tumors, diverticulosis, Abnormal small vessels called AVMs Melena, if at least 6 Tablespoons (or 200 milliliters) of blood is lost Bright red color - all the causes of black or maroon color sto