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Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux (GERD) Heartburn Remedies from your kitchen

Image via Wikipedia Using natural acid reflux remedies and heartburn remedies provides you a way to rebalance your stomach digestion problems. Using antacids for acid reflux will create more acid imbalance in your body.  Using natural acid reflux remedies for this condition provides you a way that you can rebalance your stomach digestion problems. You will also gain the additional health benefits that these remedies provide. Because of the recent focus on vinegar , people across the nation are interested in  finding a vinegar cure for acid reflux so that they can create a vinegar cure for acid  reflux for themselves to use when acid reflux disease strikes.  The benefits that can  be realized from using vinegar on a regular basis have made many individuals interested in  the healthful properties of vinegar. You might also try some home remedies for acid reflux when they prepare their meals .   Some of these home remedies for acid reflux wi...

Causes of mucus in stool

A small amount of mucus in stool is usually nothing to worry about. Stool normally contains a small amount of mucus — a jelly-like substance that your intestines make to keep the lining of your colon moist and lubricated. But you should talk to your doctor if you notice an increased amount of mucus in stool — particularly if it begins happening regularly or if it's accompanied by bleeding or a change in bowel habits. Mucus in stool can occur with a variety of intestinal infections that cause severe diarrhea. In more serious conditions — Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis and even cancer — mucus in stool may be bloody or accompanied by abdominal pain.


Il colore normale di un movimento intestinale è qualsiasi tonalità di colore marrone (di solito a medio marrone), o marrone / verde. Quando feci giallo pallido appare, e non vi è alcun motivo evidente a causa di cibo consumato, ci potrebbe essere chiunque dei seguenti patologie: Diarrea: La diarrea è la ragione più comune per cambiare il colore delle feci. La differenza principale nel processo di digestione e diarrea è normale che negli alimenti diarrea passa attraverso l'intestino così rapidamente che i batteri intestinali non hanno abbastanza tempo per la conversione di bilirubina nel Stercobilina che presenta feci normali è di colore marrone. Malattia da reflusso gastro-esofageo (MRGE) è anche una malattia in cui il cibo è rapidamente passata attraverso l'intestino con il processo di digestione.

Gelbe Farbe Stuhlgang

Die normale Farbe der Stuhlgang wird eine bräunlich (in der Regel mittel-braun), oder braun / grün. Wenn gelb / blass Stuhl erscheint, und es gibt keinen ersichtlichen Grund, aufgrund der aufgenommenen Nahrung, kann es zu jeder der folgenden Erkrankungen:


Obwohl keine spezifischen Medikamente gibt es für virale Magen, aber Antibiotika haben etwas wirksam. Aber Problem der Antibiotika ist, dass sie nicht töten Viren, sie können nur Bakterien abtöten. Also nur dann sinnvoll, in solchen Fällen, in denen Bakterien ist die Ursache der Krankheit. Achten Sie darauf, Antibiotika zu geben Patienten nur im Falle einer bakteriellen Infektion (anstelle von Virusinfektionen wie Rotavirus Im Falle einer Virusinfektion., Können Antibiotika haben eine Reihe von Nebenwirkungen, einschließlich der Entwicklung von Resistenzen gegen Antibiotika für Antibiotika.

Green Bowel Movement Diarrhea

黄色粪便的腹泻 大便正常的颜色是棕色的每一个阴影(通常是中等棕色)或褐色/绿色。在黄/凳子出现面色苍白,而且没有明确的理由,由于食物消费,会有人下列条件: 腹泻:腹泻是改变粪便颜色最常见的原因。在腹泻的主要区别和肠道腹泻食物的正常消化过程将非常快,肠道细菌没有足够的时间来转换成正常大便粪胆素胆红素的褐色。胃食管反流病(GERD)是通过食物的消化过程中通过肠子迅速的疾病。