Visceral pain is stimulated by expanding and muscular contraction. Visceral pain is frequently depicted as generalized aching or squeezing. Sometimes visceral pain may radiate to other areas in the body, causing it hard to pinpoint location. Upper abdominal pain is induced by foregut structures (stomach, duodenum, liver, and pancreas). Periumbilical pain is caused due to Midgut structures (small bowel, proximal colon, and appendix). While lower abdominal pain is caused due to Hindgut structures (distal colon and GU tract). World Congress of Pain propose that the use of oxycodone, an established, modern synthetic opioid, a morphine like compound, may be more beneficial at handling visceral pain than morphine itself. The results, consistent with clinical experience, show for the first time significant differences between oxycodone and morphine in the treatment of visceral pain, proposing that the compound may be used for this type of pain. Today's paineurope newswire provides a...