Method # 1: First lie baby flat on his back. Put the palm of your hand on the top of baby's chest, with your fingers pointing up to his head. Stroke your hand down from the top of the chest to the groin. As you are half way down the abdomen place your other hand at the top of the chest and repeat the stroke. We call this "the paddlewheel", one hand strokes while the other hand comes back up preparing for the next stroke. Your stroke should be smooth and firm enough that you feel the "dip" when your hand leaves his ribcage. You can repeat this five to ten times.
Mass Converter Mass, t = Mass, kg = Mass, g = Mass, mg = Mass, μg = Mass, lb = Mass, oz = Mass, US ton = With this converter, you can simultaneously convert several mass units to other mass units. Simple example: 1 kg = 1000 g Composite example: 1 kg and 10 g = 101000 mg Abbreviations for mass: t - tonne (metric ton); kg - kilogram; g - gram; mg - milligram; μg - microgram; lb, lbs - pound; oz - ounce.