Chronic yellow diarrhea is the passing of loose, watery, yellowish excrement for more than a day or two. It can be accompanied by cramps, tiredness and a general feeling of malaise. The causes of yellow diarrhea range from low bile production, which can signify a problem in the liver, to a serious disease. Treatment and prevention depends on the cause.
1. When a person has chronic yellow diarrhea, he will suffer from several loose and sometimes watery bowel movements on a daily basis for more than a week. The color of the diarrhea might range from a light yellowish-brown to an almost yellow-gray color. Cramps, fatigue and weakness are other common symptoms. Chronic diarrhea, which is diarrhea that lasts more than a day or two, can result in dehydration and a loss of electrolytes and potassium. It can also signify a serious health problem, which is why someone who is suffering from chronic yellow diarrhea should see a health professional as soon as possible.
2. One of the most common symptoms of yellow diarrhea is that it appears to happen fairly quickly after eating. This can signify that you might have something called gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD. This disease of the digestive system causes food to pass too quickly through the digestive tract. It is not fully processed or digested, which means that it exits the body in loose, yellow stool. People who suffer from GERD usually also have heartburn and breathing difficulties.
Lack of bile
3. Another symptom common in chronic yellow diarrhea is that the color of the stool changes over time from yellowish to a pale gray. This symptom signifies an issue with the liver's production of bile. It is bile salts that turn stool brown. As bile salts diminish, the stool turns yellow, then eventually gray and almost colorless. If you suspect you may have a bile production problem, it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible.
Bacterial Infection
4. If your chronic yellow diarrhea started suddenly, with no other symptoms, it was probably caused by a bacterial or viral infection that you may have picked up from infected food or water. In fact, such diarrhea is commonly called traveler's diarrhea because it is common to suffer from it after traveling to another country.
Treatment and Prevention
5. No matter the cause, chronic yellow diarrhea should be treated by first drinking lots of fluids rich in electrolytes, as the biggest health danger from diarrhea is dehydration. To prevent diarrhea, eat several small, healthy meals per day and always wash your hands before you eat. Be careful where you get your food and water, especially if you are in a foreign country. In addition, avoid fatty foods and anything containing caffeine or alcohol, as these foods and drugs are known to trigger and aggravate diarrhea.
Mass Converter Mass, t = Mass, kg = Mass, g = Mass, mg = Mass, μg = Mass, lb = Mass, oz = Mass, US ton = With this converter, you can simultaneously convert several mass units to other mass units. Simple example: 1 kg = 1000 g Composite example: 1 kg and 10 g = 101000 mg Abbreviations for mass: t - tonne (metric ton); kg - kilogram; g - gram; mg - milligram; μg - microgram; lb, lbs - pound; oz - ounce.