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Salt is No fat, No calories but Delicious

Adding salt to the natural food supply is artificial. Industrial revolution made to prduce crystalline sodium chloride (common salt) cheaper and abundant enough for the heavy use we make of it today.

It is only used to add taste to meals. Too much salt can be a major cause of high blood pressure, which can lead to heart disease, stroke, or kidney disorders. But human boyd also needs a certain amount of salt every day because it is required by all cells to maintain fluid balance. It is also vital for proper nerve and muscle function. And the most intense exercisers need even more of it as salt is excreted mainly through urine and sweat.

Salt Requirement of our body

It is usually agreed that bodies need around 500 mg of sodium. That's about a quarter of a teaspoon of table salt (sodium chloride, the most typical source of sodium). A daily maximum of 2,400 mg of sodium is recommended by the federal government. Most of us consume about 5,000 mg of sodium per day; 10 times more than our bodies require. Unless you are excreting excess sodium, you may be getting way more than you need. The American Medical Association has estimated that a 50 percent reduction in sodium usage in processed and restaurant food could save 150,000 lives every year.

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