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Heartburn Symptoms, Remedy and Prevention

Reasons of Developing Heartburn

Heartburn is a condition when somebody has feeling of chest burning along with a sharp and harsh taste in the mouth. Heartburn normally builds up when the acidic contents of the stomach flow upward into the esophagus (the tube through which food travels from throat into the stomach. Almost one in ten adults feels heartburn in one week.

In women heartburn is very frequent during pregnancy. The pressure on the stomach by the expanding uterus is the main reason of this problem.

There is a muscle, lower esophageal sphincter, situated at the lower end of the esophagus. In normal conditions, the juices generated by the stomach for digestion are blocked by the lower esophageal sphincter to move upward. When esophageal sphincter develops weakness due to some reasons, the food can overflow from stomach into esophagus.

Reasons of relaxing Esophageal Sphincter

·         Spicy foods

·         Alcohol

·         Cigarettes

·         Overeating

·         Overweight

·         Hiatal hernia

·         Medicines like oral contraceptives, asthma medications, and some heart medications can weaken the lower esophageal sphincter.

Diagnosing Heartburn

Heartburn is diagnosed through many tests. A barium X ray of the stomach and esophagus is required in many cases to exclude any other problem. An endoscope test is required in some cases to examine the esophagus to take tissue and fluid samples.

Treatment of Heartburn

To treat mild sporadic attacks, over-the-counter (OTC) medications like antacid can be used. In chronic heartburn conditions, medicines are diagnosed to prevent growth of stomach acids. Some of these medicines can be bought over the counter while most of them are only obtainable through prescription.

Prevention is better than cure

Prevention is better than cure Heartburn can be prevented through losing weight, giving up smoking or sleeping with the head elevated 6 in (15 cm) will avoid the stomach's contents from streaming upward into the esophagus. Give consumption of alcohol, fat, chocolate, and peppermint and go to bed with empty stomach as it will also stop heartburn.



Samual James said…
In this blog contains information as a general guideline for heartburn problem,which have become very common problem now day’s.This blog is really nice because it contains mostly all essential points which one should know about this acid reflux so that they can take proper treatment for it.Thank for sharing information.

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