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How to Stop Heartburn Caused by Wheat and Cereals

If you are experiencing heartburn almost all the time, and are in a habit of keeping antacid pills in your pocket all the time, then read in details:

The stress and strain are referred as the major cause of heartburn but there might be other reasons of heartburn, especially if this is accompanied with an unpleasant contraction below ribs in left side of your body as well as an often diarrhea. Pancreas and spleen is situated below the ribs, and it's the spleen which is the cause in this case. If you have feeling of contraction, your spleen might be working too hard. The spleen acts as a lymphatic node and filter the blood as well. You might be have this odd feeling, if something happens which increase the need of extra blood filtering and extra immunologic defense. Due to this reason, the stomach also over-produce gastric juice which results heartburn. One reason of this is that you might be eating something that your body can't manage well and thus recognizes as exotic and damaging for your body system.

If you could diagnose your symptoms correctly in the light of above definition then it is most probably due to the that your digestion can not handle wheat and cereals. It does not mean than you have gluten intolerance. This probably due to the reason that your body have trouble in producing certain enzymes that are required to break down wheat and similar foods or you have consumed too much of such foods. Your body is struggling to overcome the lack of necessary enzymes by over-producing the gastric acid.

Heartburn is more likely to occur if somebody has a hiatal hernia. Hiatal hernia is occurred when the top part of the stomach protrudes upward into the chest cavity. This weakens the LES and makes it easier for acid to reflux from the stomach into the esophagus.

Wheat is one of the top ten food allergens. Gluten, a protein, is also found in wheat and other types of related grains like barley, rye, spelt, kamut, and triticale. Rice is the other major type of food consumed all over the world. You can find a long list list of other gluten foods from the internet. Change your eating habit and reduce your food intake to experiment and diagnose if you are over-eating or not. Write notes of these heartburn patterns to find a solution. Find out which foods are cure or troublemaker. Learn about healthy eating habits. Three types of foods can determine whether you will have heartburn or not. These are the three categories:

  1. Acidic foods; we eat the most
  2. Alkaline foods; we should eat more and
  3. Convertibles acids - these types of foods are nutritionally necessary but body metabolizes them differently and treat them as acid or alkaline differently in different people.

Every individual has different type of Metabolism. Which type of metabolism you have is depends upon self observation and pH testing. You only need to observe and write down the details of every sequence of events. By trial and error method you can yourself diagnose the problem foods. Short-term Foods category

  • Acidic irritants - citric fruits
  • Relax the esophageal sphincter - caffeine, nicotine and alcohol
  • Hard to digest - protein
  • High acid foods - fat, protein, sodas and packaged foods
  • High alkali foods - dairy, most vegetables and fruits.
Long-term Foods category
  • Acidic foods
  • Alkaline foods
  • Unpredictable foods
  • Curative and preventative Foods and plants

How to find out foods heart burning foods Many people consume two or more cups of coffee and tea during a day. The coffee or the tea may have triggering characteristics. Reduce consumption of foods that are high in acid such as tomatoes or oranges. Constant overeating also weakens the digestive system. Instead of using large meals, divide them into several smaller meals. You might have food and acid spilled out of the esophageal sphincter.

Poor posture might also have acidity like symptoms. Loosing 10-20 pounds can, for some, reduce gastric reflux significantly. Beef, chicken and pork also cause heartburn because they are hard to digest. Protein, Carbonated sodas, packaged foods and snacks also have acidic characteristics and if over-consumed with the meal, they may also result in acidity.

Other foods include Chocolate, Coffee, Fatty meats, French fries, Fried foods, Ice cream, Pastries, Potato chips, Soft drinks Apples and bananas, carrots, and baked potatoes are also heartburn foods as well as breads, cereals, sour cream and feta cheese. Calcium containing foods can also be consumed to avoid gastric reflux. Milk, cheese, fortified cereals, sardines, cold water fish and most fruits are prime sources of calcium. Although they might have their own set of problems (milk might trigger lactose intolerance). PS: All advice are written in good faith. Please always consult a health care professional or dietitian before implementing advice.

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Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
Limit your consumption each day to two cups of coffee or less if possible. Coffee and tea are both acid reflux food to avoid when it comes to drink list for acid reflux. It makes no difference if they are caffeinated or decaf.

ph diet

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