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Causes of Diarrhea


Bacteria in food or protozoa in water are often the cause, but other causes are viruses, parasites in food and other sources. Diarrhea caused by intestinal parasites is the third leading cause of illness. If you have a number of the following symptoms: gas, diarrhea, chronic constipation, bloating, fatigue, skin rashes, nail biting, mood swings, insomnia, dry skin, brittle hair, hair loss, weight gain, bad breath, and muscle cramping, you should be tested for parasites.

Gastroenteritis, caused by a virus that has entered the digestive tract or contaminated food or water, causes inflammation, cramping, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Severe cases can lead to dehydration, so be sure to drink fluids and balance your electrolytes (take Pedialyte for young children and the elderly, and sports drinks for everybody else.)

• Eating an excessive amount of fatty foods or fruit

• Food poisoning

• Extreme fatigue

Stress or anxiety. What effects the mind ends up effecting the sympathetic stomach.

Antibiotics and some prescription medications affect the bowels by killing the good bacteria along with the harmful bacteria. Take acidophilus or live culture yogurt while you are taking medication to help rebuild your intestinal flora. A probiotic remedy will be helpful.

• Still other causes are excessive consumption of alcohol, caffeinated drinks, coffee, and large quantities of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and magnesium. A good way to counteract diarrhea if you are taking large amounts of magnesium, is to supplement with acidophilus lactobacillus.

• Nutritional deficiencies.

• Consumption of sorbitol and mannitol, the sugar substitutes. And now to this list we are adding Splenda.

• The low-carb craze is very popular with those wanting to lose weight, but it has created other health problems: bloating, gas and diarrhea. Many low-carb foods are sweetened with lacitol or sorbitol, which are sugar alcohols, and, when, eaten in large quantities, can cause digestive disturbances.

• A study done at the University of Iowa medical found that 30 percent of patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms had fructose (a form of sugar) on their breath, and were experiencing stomach pain, gas, or diarrhea. Once fructose consumption was curbed, the symptoms were significantly reduced. Fructose is found in many things, but especially as a sweetener for sodas. Fructose intolerance is rapidly rising due to the tremendous increase in soda consumption.

• Over-use of laxatives (excess magnesium in some antacids), and antacids containing magnesium hydroxide. Along these same lines is the magnesium in calcium/magnesium supplements that many women take for prevention of osteoporosis.

• Long term use or excessive amounts of aspirin, ibuprofen or acetaminophen may also be a cause of diarrhea because they can have a dramatic affect on the digestive tract.

• Still other causes are putrefaction and excessive fermentation of food in the bowels.

Improper chewing of food so that it doesn’t get enough enzymes from saliva in the mouth needed for good digestion.

• For some people eating certain foods, such as apples, can cause diarrhea.

Pesticide residue on fruits and vegetables is a cause that is often overlooked.

Dishwashing detergent residue can be extremely irritating to the intestinal tract. Babies are especially susceptible to this problem because of the amount of residue compared to their body weight. Also, their intestinal tracts have not fully developed the digestive process. Be sure to thoroughly rinse all utensils and dishes, especially if you hand-wash them.


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