The first step is to stay calm (easier said than done, certainly, but it can be done with some willpower). The second is to remember that the crying isn't your fault, and it won't last forever. Then try some of these potential tear-reducing strategies:
- Carry him for at least a few hours every day, in your arms or in a sling or front carrier (during the crying jags, and at other times too). Most babies enjoy being walked or swayed.
- Ban smoking around your baby. There are countless reasons to keep tobacco smoke out of your home; one is that it can reduce colicky crying.
- Ask your pediatrician about trying simethicone drops (such as Mylicon); these can alleviate gas, which causes pain and crying in some babies.
- Shut out excess stimuli by keeping your home quiet and dimly litl. One colic-cause theory is that newborns lack the ability to block out the overwhelming cacophony of sounds, sights, and smells that surround them. Rhythmic sounds (the hum of a humidifier or a soothing recording of waterfalls) and movements (a spell in the swing or stroller) may also help.
- Take breaks, and enlist support from your partner, mother, friend, or a babysitter. If you're on your own and at the end of your rope, leave your baby safely in his crib or bassinet while you flee to another room for a minute or two. While it's always best to respond promptly to your little one's screams (after all, it's his only way of communicating with you), a brief escape may be healthier for both of you.