Place the baby's heel up next to his bottom by bending his knee sharply. Move the leg, still sharply bent, until the top of the thigh rests against the tummy. Get both legs in this position. Grab the baby's ankles and gently shake his legs in an up-and-down motion, unbending the knees gradually, until his heels rest on the blanket and his legs are straight. Repeat five to ten times.
Mass Converter Mass, t = Mass, kg = Mass, g = Mass, mg = Mass, μg = Mass, lb = Mass, oz = Mass, US ton = With this converter, you can simultaneously convert several mass units to other mass units. Simple example: 1 kg = 1000 g Composite example: 1 kg and 10 g = 101000 mg Abbreviations for mass: t - tonne (metric ton); kg - kilogram; g - gram; mg - milligram; μg - microgram; lb, lbs - pound; oz - ounce.