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Stomach Problems due to Swallowed Air

Many people swallow air habitually; aerophagia. Although they're usually unaware of it. The cause is often anxiety-related. The air is composed of oxygen and nitrogen. However, most of the oxygen is absorbed by the mucous lining of the gut or is used up by colon bacteria, with very little ending up in flatulence. Nitrogen, on the other hand, is poorly absorbed by the mucous lining and most of the swallowed nitrogen ends up in flatulence.

Treatment Strategies
  1. Becoming aware that air is being swallowed can help. People become conscious of their breathing patterns.
  2. Relaxation techniques may help to reduce anxiety.
  3. Avoid lying down after eating especially at night; walk about 100 steps or so. Gas from the stomach passes into the intestines more readily when you are lying after meal.


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