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Adopting FODMAPS Programmes

Symptoms of Gastrointestinal disorder include abdominal pain, bloating, wind, reflux, diarrhoea and/or constipation. FODMAPs are a collection of small chain carbohydrates that are poorly absorbable in the body. Fermentation of FODMAPs in the distal small and proximal large intestine stimulates such conditions in the bowel that lead to releasing gas, boost intestinal permeability, an inclination factor to growth of Crohn's disease. FODMAPs are a group of poorly absorbed short-chain carbohydrates in the diet because of their osmotic consequences (diffusion of molecules through a semi-permeable membrane until both sides balanced), increase fecal output following colectomy and ileal pouch formation or ileorectal anastomosis (IRA). Avoid the following FODMAPs for a period of at least 8 weeks. After 8 weeks your dietitian will give advice whether to start any of the FODMAP groups. What Foods Need to be Limited? High FRUCTOSE Foods Apples, Carambola, Coconut cream/ coconut milk,

Gluten Intolerance

Symptoms of gluten intolerance Approximately, 15% of the US population suffers from Gluten intolerance, in some shape. These statistics are seems similar to Western countries because people of these countries have similar dietary patterns and health problems. The main question is how to diagnose gluten intolerance? First of all, we need to spot the difference between celiac disease and gluten intolerance. Celiac disease is a reaction of our immune system caused by a severe sudden beginning of an allergic reaction against the protein called gluten.

Diagnosing Stomach Problems with Stool Color

Dark-colored stools may be seen in platelet function disorders, iron deficiency anemia, cirrhosis, colorectal cancer, disseminated intravascular coagulation, peptic ulcer, or stomach cancer. Liver disease may include a yellow tone to the skin and whites of eyes (jaundice) and brownish urine. Black or tarry stools (Melena) The passage of black, tarry and foul-smelling stools; can be an indication of digested blood in the stool. Other causes are, iron deficiency anemia, cirrhosis, colorectal cancer, disseminated intravascular coagulation, peptic ulcer, or stomach cancer. In advanced cirrhosis (liver disease), the abdomen becomes distended with fluid and ruptured blood vessels in the stomach and esophagus cause bleeding. The person may vomit blood or pass black stools. Very dark stools, for example, may indicate an ulcerative lesion in the higher digestive tract. Note: The ingestion of black licorice, lead, iron pills, Pepto-Bismol, or blueberries can all cause black stools or false

Babies and Constipation

Constipation in babies can be treated at home quite successfully. First you need to know causes and treatments of constipation for regulating bowel movements. A lot of newborn babies normally have their first bowel movement within 24 hours after birth. Newborn babies will have a thick greenish black like stool called meconium in the first 24 to 36 hours after birth. After the first few days, the poop will be yellowish-orange in color and grainy in composition. Baby may be constipated if she does not have a bowel movement in three or more days, or if there is any blood in the stool. You know the pattern of baby's bowel movements as the baby grows older and can recognize any future constipation. If you notice the stool to be very dry and hard like pebble, your baby may have constipation. If your baby has occasional bowel movements like once in 2 or 3 days or if baby makes a sound or stresses a lot during bowel movement, it does not necessarily indicate she is constipated. Grunting an

How to tell if your baby has diarrhea?

While a severe case of diarrhea can alarm even the most unflappable parents, rest assured that in the United States most cases of diarrhea are relatively mild and don't pose a major health threat as long as your baby doesn't get dehydrated. But dehydration can be very serious, even fatal, in a baby, so it's crucial that you make sure your baby is getting plenty of liquids. What causes diarrhea? Here is a long list of bacterial infection. It might also be the result of a parasite, a course of antibiotics, or something he ate. Viral infection Bacterial infection Ear infection Parasites Antibiotics Too much juice Food allergy Milk protein Food intolerance Lactose intolerance Poisoning

What is Diarrhea? Normal & Loose/Excessive Bowel Movements (Diarrhea)

What Is a Diarrhea? Diarrhea (Greek dia = through, rhein = flowing) means having more than three bowel movements, or passing more than 300g of watery stool daily (1). NOTE: American English spelling is diarrhea, UK English spelling is diarrhoea.

FODMAPS - Help With Diet

Diet with Low FODMAP: This includes Fructose, fructans, sorbitol, raffinose. Symptoms of Gastrointestinal disorder include abdominal pain, bloating, wind, reflux, diarrhoea and/or constipation. FODMAPs are a collection of small chain carbohydrates that are poorly absorbable in the body. Fermentation of FODMAPs in the distal small and proximal large intestine stimulates such conditions in the bowel that lead to releasing gas, boost intestinal permeability, an inclination factor to growth of Crohn's disease. FODMAPs are a group of poorly absorbed short-chain carbohydrates in the diet because of their osmotic consequences (diffusion of molecules through a semi-permeable membrane until both sides balanced), increase fecal output following colectomy and ileal pouch formation or ileorectal anastomosis (IRA).